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Learn about typography for Augmented and Virtual Reality

We are moving close to the immersive world of AR/VR where digital experiences won't be limited to a flat 2D world. And one of the crucial elements of these experiences is text. In the initial years of AR/VR, creators did their best to use as little text as possible due to technical and other constraints. However, that is changing rapidly, now the experiences are being designed to have a fair amount of text in them. And that is where a lot of creators face challenges when it comes to typography for this new medium. And the availability of any resources has been scarce or limited to a few paragraphs spread over the internet. Hence I have created this resource for designers/creators to get the best out of text in their projects. These guidelines are based on my ongoing research on typography for XR headsets which started as part of my master's in Typeface Design at the University of Reading back in 2017.

As the tech is growing rapidly, I'll do my best to keep these guidelines updated with regular additions based on my findings.

The whole documentation is divided into sections that will give you context on various aspects like basics, factors that affect reading experience, and how to classify text based on their usage. If you want to quickly skim through, then make sure you check at least the classification and type selection. Most of the pages have hints to give you the most important takeaways that can help you create better typography for your XR experiences. If you find these guidelines helpful and would like to support my research, then you can buy me a coffee here 😊

This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0; additional terms may apply.

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Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, AR, VR

Last updated